Developing Skills within Bristol

In early 2021 we worked with a group of South Bristolians to produce an expanded cinema event through a 12-week learning programme. The programme culminated in the group curating a treasure hunt experience surrounding the critically acclaimed film Hunt for The Wilder People.

The project, supported by the Big Lottery Community Fund, Film Hub South West and Knowle West Media Centre, aimed to equip the participants with practical skills and industry knowledge so that they  could continue to produce exciting, meaningful cinema events in their local area. Find out more about the group and the finished event they produced in our short film…

We love working across Bristol’s unique neighbourhoods and diverse communities. We welcome the opportunity to work with local people in their patch  and to play a part in nurturing the thriving talent within our hometown. If you’re interested in talking to us about running a similar event or course please contact [email protected].

For more on how we work with communities see our recent blog.