Shakespearean rave, anyone?

The universe is in disorder and outrageous characters from yesteryear have broken free to throw a party with a twist at Shakespeare’s pad. Your mischievous hosts Puck and Ariel introduce a motley crew of locals, past and present, for a shindig with the neighbours and a chance to play your part in the quest to shape Shakespeare’s destiny.

Taking the shape of a house party in the house in which Shakespeare was born, Compass Presents worked with Shakespeare Birthplace Trust to carefully yet radically transform this historic building into the scene of a 90’s rave, reimagining content from the town archive and enabling audiences a completely new experience of this heritage site.

House Party on Henley Street was produced by Compass Presents for Shakespeare Birthplace Trust and was part of the Museums at Night festival. Photographs by William Mulryne

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What They Said

The scene knew precisely what heartstrings to pull and was superbly performed

The Boar.Org

An interesting and refreshing way to be told about history and culture. The connection in the audience itself, with age differences of probably 50 years was my highlight of the evening

Red Brick

One of the best things I have been to at The Trust!

JennyAudience Member