Are we able to understand difficult scientific concepts intuitively through dance? We invite you to help us find out.
Quantum refers to the really small stuff: particles, atoms, and molecules. Once we start looking at the world around us up close, what we find turns our understanding of the universe upside down.Can intuition, movement and our bodies provide a gateway into the magical realm of Quantum?
In the four videos below we’ll lead you to explore a few ideas connected to quantum physics, through movement. Follow the instructions, record your submission and then send us your clips. We will take your videos and turn them into a short film, connecting you to each other and maybe answering some of our burning questions along the way…
How might some of the artistic choices you make connect you to other, distant dancers? When viewed together will your performances carry patterns, and if so what will they be? Let’s find out!
Learn The Dance
Find out about the background to the project and what you need to do to take part.
1. Pattern and Chaos
The universe naturally moves towards disorder and chaos (a tidy room will eventually become messy); particles want to mix and spread (hot and cold water mix to make a warm bath). When particles organise themselves into patterns it usually means something cool is happening.
2. Emergence
Emergence can be found in particles, but it can be found in the world we see and experience too. An emergent property belongs to a group or mass, not to an individual thing. It’s a system made of connected parts, like traffic in a city, a starling murmuration, or a swarm of bees.
3. Melting and Reforming
Quantum Physicists at the University of Leeds have made a discovery that could be crucial to the development of quantum technology. They’ve discovered that dispersing particles remember their previous shape and return to it. It’s as unlikely as a melted lolly suddenly reforming, or the air particles in a deflated balloon finding their way back into it so it re-inflates.Read more about their discoveries.
4. Entanglement (Parts 1&2)
In quantum physics, objects can become so inextricably intertwined that you can no longer think of them separately. They assume a new, collective identity. They are ‘entangled’. In Quantum Physics if two particles are entangled, an action performed on one will instantaneously affect the other, even if it is on the other side of the universe.
First thing’s first, if you wish to take part you must fill out this form. If you do not fill out the form, we can not use your video. Then simply learn one or all of the dances, hit record and then send us your video. Be sure to read the film guidance notes below. Be sure to Mirror Vince when you copy his moves, so that you are all dancing in the same direction
Please ensure your entries are sent to us by the deadline to be included in the final Dancing Quantum Magic film.
Have questions?
If you have questions about the dance moves or about the project in general please contact Compass Presents on
This project is brought to you by Compass Presents in collaboration with The University Of Leeds for The Cheltenham Science Festival. If you would like to find out more about the project, including the R&D phase with All or Nothing Dance Theatre, please visit our portfolio.