Quantum Magic Permissions & Terms of Use
By filling out the online form and submitting video footage you are giving consent for your footage/ film(s) to be used in the Quantum Magic project, run by Compass Presents and All or Nothing Aerial Dance Theatre with University of Leeds department of Physics and Astronomy
The footage / film(s) will be used within a short film created by All or Nothing and Compass Presents. Sections of your footage will be edited together with other submissions to create the Quantum Magic Film.
As well as the short film for the research project, the footage and any screenshots may be used in materials published by Compass Presents, All or Nothing, and University of Leeds about this project. This may include: publications, social media, reports, journals, display or campaign materials, newsletters, adverts, flyers, web pages, posters, leaflets, etc. now and in the future.
Compass Presents privacy policy is available to view online.
No personal details will be published.